Things often happen at the right timing. When I had a drop-in career clinic session at my university as I wrote in the previous post, the counselor advised me to apply for Job Shadow Experience, which is part of their Experience Builder Program. It’s an opportunity for students and alumni to “have the chance to spend a day gaining first-hand workplace experience”. In other words, it lets students and alumni “shadow” professionals in a field of their interest. I knew the program but assumed it was for current students and didn’t expect she would recommend it to me. The deadline was 11:59 pm of the day. I went home, revised my resume, wrote a cover letter and submitted them online 11 minutes before the deadline. A few days later, I got email of acceptance.
It turned out to be a good experience. From a list of Job Shadow posts, I chose a project engineer position at an engineering design company in Cambridge, Ontario. People who work for an engineering project are usually engineers at different levels and a manager. But in that company there are project engineers between a project manager and other engineers. It was rare opportunity for me to talk with people who work for an engineering project like that. Besides their roles and capabilities, what impressed me was their attitude. Everyone who I talked to said “I like this job”. Honestly, I have not met people like them in workplaces I have ever been. Two of them have worked for the company for 15 years, which is uncommon in North America.
Yesterday, the day after Job Shadow Experience, I sent out thank you email to the mentors. They replied right away, and some of them told me that I could contact them when I need their help. It’s a typical polite reply and it does not mean, of course, that they will help me get a job. But they are actually helpful and when I was talking with them they showed me a sincere attitude. It’s good to know that some people treat me in that way when I tend to feel helplessness. It’s good to know some people think of me.
Today is BoA’s birthday. Happy birthday, BoA! It’s good to know I can still think of someone in this way.