As I wrote in an old post a year ago, I always make my family’s traditional New Year’s Day dish, 正月の煮物, wherever I am. But for the New Year’s Day next year (3 days from today), I cannot make it… I will have to work on Mon. 30th and Tue. 31st, which means I will have no time to make it. This is very disappointing…
Though I cannot do that yearly event, I have done another annual event recently: making my own Christmas greetings web site with an original illustration of the year. I made my first greetings web site in 2010, and have made it yearly since then. This year, too, I made it, and sent invitation (URL, user name and password. It is my private message and password protected) to my Canadian friends on Christmas Day. I will post the illustration on Jan. 1st. It will be my New Year’s Day greetings web site for my Japanese friends.
When I lived in Calgary, the landlord invited me to their Christmas dinner. On New Year’s Day, I shared my 正月の煮物 with them. They told me that having my 正月の煮物 became an annual event for them. This year I sent them and other friends invitation email to my Christmas greetings web site. Some of them replied to tell me that they always enjoy my annual greetings web site.
Wherever I am, whatever it is, it’s good to have a yearly event to connect with my friends.